We believe there is a heightened possibility of a US-Iran war triggering a US nuclear strike for the following reasons: The sanction regime set against …
Russia warns build-up of US weapons near its borders risks repeat of Cuban missile crisis as …
… said on Monday that US plans to deploy missile systems near the Russian border risks a nuclear standoff on a par with the height of the Cold War.
Before the American Empire Collapses, It Could End Up Starting World War III
During the post-World War II period of the 20th century, empire-building … is one which could very well result in a world war of nuclear proportions.
Trump: War President or Anti-Interventionist?
Under the 2015 nuclear deal, the JCPOA, the only way Iran could have a nuclear weapons program would be in secret, outside its known nuclear …
Trump’s Manufactured Crisis in Iran
Trump administration officials say they don’t want war, but they are doing … He said it was a bad deal and that it could lead to a “nuclear holocaust.
Trump’s new Iran sanctions have put airstrikes on hold — but nuclear risks remain
The Middle East presents a dangerous nexus of nuclear reactors and … During the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s, Baghdad’s multiple attacks on two …
ICYMI: We Trump Did Strike Back Against Iran…Online
Yet, leaving all that to the side remember how Trump was supposedly going to launch a nuclear war with North Korea because…he tweets.
Beto O’Rourke in Tampa meets with veterans, proposes ‘War Tax’ to pay for veteran care
O’Rourke said he opposed a war with Iran and blamed the Trump administration for escalating tensions in the region. Trump backed out of the nuclear …
Could Obama’s Iran Playbook Save Trump From War?
He thought his foreign policy advisers had given him an effective strategy to force Iran to renegotiate its nuclear deal with the United States; in reality, …
The weekend in the risky US-Iran standoff, explained
Surely Trump, who says he doesn’t want a war with Iran, hopes the latter. But Trump … After the president withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal last year, …