Iran has denied all responsibility for the attack. … TIME this week, said he would go to war with Iran to prevent them from acquiring nuclear weapons, …
Deterrence works both ways: Russian diplomat says Pentagon needs to get a grip on reality
… officials are still stuck on illusions that are over half a century old claiming that “a nuclear war may be limited and its escalation can be controlled.”.
USS Nevada: The Battleship that Survived Pearl Harbor and Nuclear War
Two attributes often come to mind when attempting to describe the American mindset: stubbornness and perseverance. If ever there was a physical …
Your Questions About the US-Iran Standoff, Answered
Trump pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal last year, calling it the worst deal … —Manufacturers are leaving China—for reasons beyond the trade war.
From the X Files –“Project Mogul UFO Conspiracy & Nuclear War”
Perhaps it is not surprising that two subjects —nuclear war and alien invasion—should be linked. At the time of the Roswell Incident in 1947 when a …
The Dire Necessity of Strategic Concessions and Relationship Building in US-North Korea Relations
However, attributing the summit to a policy that was hawkish at best, and brought the United States and its allies to the brink of nuclear war with North …
Iran’s “We do not seek war” fails to appease US
“We do not seek war with any nation,” Rouhani said in a speech broadcast on Iranian … But the nuclear deal is now at risk of unraveling, and quickly.
Final Iron Sky: The Coming Race Trailer Goes to War with Dinosaur-Riding Moon Nazis
Life on Earth as we know it came to an end, thanks to those damned Moon Nazis and the nuclear war they started. So, some humans have made their …
World War Three: Safest country with the best bunker to escape to in US-Iran nuclear fear
World War Three fears escalated today after it was revealed there is “much high tech weapons in the Gulf” amid escalating US and Iran tension.
The Latest: McConnell: US not trying to start war with Iran
Pompeo says President Donald Trump does not want war and is only … Merkel also says Germany wants Iran to abide by the 2015 nuclear accord, …