A nuclear doctrine states how a nuclear weapon state would employ its nuclear weapons both during peace and war. By communicating to the enemy …
REVIEW: Second season of Sacred Games mirrors the ills of today’s India
In Mumbai, police inspector Sartaj (Saif Ali Khan) has just two weeks to save the city from a nuclear attack, which Gaitonde had warned him about.
No first use isn’t dead, but it’s now meaningless
Nuclear use is not something considered on any normal day, so a policy of no first use is a commitment that even in the deepest crisis or war, even if a …
In conversation: Tulsi Gabbard wants to restore America as a model for diplomacy, equality
As a way to quell the growing tensions between the two nations and prevent nuclear warfare, the treaty banned land-based missiles, but in October …
Jingoism over nuclear weapons childish
Long after Cold War, nuclear deterrence is still based on MAD doctrine. This means that any debilitating 1st strike will be responded with massive …
Nuclear Weapons on Aircraft Carriers? Why the US Navy Said “No Way”
The Air Force touted it soon-to-be operational fleet of ten-thousand-mile-range B-36 Peacemaker nuclear bombers as the only vital war-winning …
Nuclear explosion Russia 2019: Putin’s DOOMSDAY WEAPON goes wrong – deaths
Vladimir Putin is developing the nuclear-powered ‘doomsday weapon’ which … that could be deployed in anything other than a full-scale nuclear war.
With a divided Congress, reports of the filibuster’s demise might be premature
The most likely issue that could push Schumer into a nuclear war might be immigration. Back in 2013, a bipartisan majority of 68 senators, including …
Why Putin’s Nuclear-Powered Superweapon Went Up in Smoke
To get insight into the state of all Putin’s fantasy weapons, and other nations’ latest innovations in nuclear and conventional warfare, I had a …
The nuclear arms race is back … and ever more dangerous now
Critics in Congress say low-yield weapons make nuclear warfare more likely, and oppose Trump’s budget increases. But with US planners saying the …