Season Eight takes place after a devastating nuclear war – the perfect setting for all manner of madness and malevolence. Emmy-winner Sarah …
Washington blacklists Chinese nuclear firms for ‘helping military acquire US technology’
The US is moving to curb the Chinese military’s access to nuclear … efforts, that have aggravated the year-long trade war between China and the US.
Russia Wants Four Submarines Armed with Nuclear Warhead Drones That Can Cause Tsunamis
For decades, submarine nuclear deterrence has been uniquely provided by the …. While the Poseidon doesn’t fundamentally alter the balance of power, nor the horrifying destructiveness of nuclear war, it does show that humanity is …
The Bad News Is That the Markets Just Tanked. There Is No Good News.
… Times runs a major feature on multi-million dollar survival condos built in abandoned missile silos and bunkers hardened to withstand nuclear war.
Priyanka Chopra accused of encouraging war
Priyanka Chopra accused of encouraging war … “You’re a Unicef ambassador for peace and you’re encouraging nuclear war against Pakistan.
Worried About Nuclear War? Here’s How to Cope!
I can’t think about nuclear war. When I do, I start to panic, because really, what can I personally do if I end up in a nuclear war? I live in a big city and …
I just nuked Manhattan in a realistic new VR simulation, and the experience changed how I …
Such kiloton-yield nuclear warheads are precisely the kind of bombs the US …. The threat of global nuclear war today is not as omnipresent and is …
Sam Nunn and nuclear war
Regarding a possible hot war between the United States and the Russian Federation, the risk is definitely there. However, I do detect a flurry of articles …
Skyfall falls to earth.
This observation became all the more relevant after the nuclear missile …. could be a man-made catastrophe of nonpareil proportion—nuclear war.
Cold War Patriots host events for SRS workers
Cold War Patriots host events for SRS workers …. Through these divisions, CWP makes it even easier for nuclear weapons workers to maximize the …