The Pentagon wanted its next stealth plane, the Advanced Technology Bomber, to address the strategic nuclear strike role. By then Northrop had …
Jailed Activist Targets “Culture Of Death”
What’s not moved at all, or only deepened, is Colville’s conviction that nuclear weapons are the “taproot,” to use his term, of so much of the poverty and …
Kashmir Issue at the UNGA and the Nuclear Discourse
The Kashmir issue has more significance in view of the nuclearization of South Asia as many security experts around the world consider Kashmir a …
Explaining WATCHMEN’s Giant Squid
The deception not only stopped the Cold War and the looming threat of nuclear war; it united the planet against a common enemy, forging a new era of …
How Erdogan’s Trump row could leave 50 US nuclear bombs in Turkey’s hands
Turkey news: The forward section of the B61 nuclear bomb on display as a museum piece at the Y-12 National Security Complex. (Image: getty) …
Navy’s ‘Doomsday’ Plane Hits a Bird, Suffers $2M in Damages
A Navy doomsday aircraft that would play a vital communication role in the event of a nuclear war had one of its four engines replaced this month after …
Nazi metal fest happening this weekend (Oct 18-20) in Oakland!
Never Surrender (formerly called Nuclear War Now Fest) is organized by labels known for distributing Nazi metal: Iron Bonehead Productions and …
Russia flexes muscles with live ballistic and cruise missile launches in Arctic war games
RUSSIAN nuclear submarines and warships have taken part in ballistic and cruise missile launches as the country’s Northern and Pacific Fleets flexed …
Analysis Trump Is Losing the Battle to End ‘Endless War‘ in Middle East
Analysis Trump Is Losing the Battle to End ‘Endless War’ in Middle East …. “I think this is a first — a country with U.S. nuclear weapons stationed in it …
Putin directs exercise of Russian nuclear forces
Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said the exercise was intended to check “the military’s capability to fulfill tasks in an armed conflict and a nuclear war.”.