It seemed that nuclear war had begun. The duty of Stanislav Petrov, a lieutenant colonel in the Soviet Air Defence Forces, was to inform his superiors …
The secret war fought by US Navy’s most capable hunter-killer submarine
Just what has the United States’ most advanced attack submarine been up to? …. During the Falklands War of 1982, the Royal Navy nuclear attack …
Israeli PM Holds Tense Cabinet Meeting as Indictment Looms
Pope Francis demanded world leaders renounce atomic weapons and the Cold War-era doctrine of deterrence, saying Sunday the stockpiling of …
Nicola Sturgeon: Labour should scrap Trident to win SNP support
The logic is to deter a nuclear attack on the UK because, even if the nation’s conventional defence capabilities were destroyed, the silent submarine …
Security Forces Kill Five in Southern Iraq as Protests Continue
“With deep conviction I wish once more to declare that the use of atomic energy for purposes of war is today, more than ever, a crime not only against …
Full text of pope’s message in Hiroshima
How can we propose peace if we constantly invoke the threat of nuclear war as a legitimate recourse for the resolution of conflicts? May the abyss of …
In Hiroshima, Pope Condemns ‘Crime’ of Nuclear Weapons
“The use of atomic energy for purposes of war is today, more than ever, a crime not only against the dignity of human beings but against any possible …
Bitcoin Could Survive Nuclear War: Nick Szabo
A digital currency that would survive a nuclear war: the full Bitcoin transaction history, all the way back to the genesis block, exists in over 9,000 copies …
President Moon needs new strategies
In 2017, current North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, tested a nuclear bomb and various ICBMS, engaging in a war of words with U.S. President Donald …
Pope Francis calls for a ‘world without nuclear weapons’ during Nagasaki visit
Pope Francis calls for a ‘world without nuclear weapons’ during Nagasaki visit … by American atomic bombs towards the end of the second world war.