In 1947 scientists, worried nuclear war could incinerate the world, … the international political infrastructure for managing nuclear weapons to erode.
No One Wins an Arms Race or a Nuclear War
As if to underscore the dangers of the administration’s strategy, the Defense Department led an exercise last month simulating a limited nuclear war.
US Deploys Low-Yield Nuclear Warhead
The U.S. Navy has fielded a low-yield nuclear warhead for some of its … the possibility of them waging a limited nuclear war and winning this war.
Freeman Dyson, a visionary and renaissance physicist, dies at 96
Mr. Dyson, born in England between the world wars, spent most of his … His book on the subject of nuclear war, “Weapons and Hope,” won a National …
It would be a disaster for us to have to choose between Sanders and Trump
… strategy developed during the Cold War in which opposing sides use the threat of full-scale nuclear war, resulting in destruction of both sides.
Artist Pages | Matthew Day Jackson: ‘There Will Come Soft Rains’
As outlined in the texts on the title page, each of the 12 prints in the show embodies a theme, including nuclear war for his depiction of the American …
FBI kept tabs on University of Chicago scientist Harold Urey, who helped develop atomic bomb
Michael Hall, director of the National Atomic Testing Museum, isn’t … In the years following World War II, Harold Urey dominated headlines for his …
Astra Readies Secretive Silicon Valley Rocket; Firm Exits Stealth Mode, Plans Test Launch Today
After all, you never know when a precisely placed spy satellite can make the difference between a simple misunderstanding and all-out nuclear war.
An expert’s case for nuclear power
This conversation often takes place at a superficial culture war level in which environmentalists don’t want to embrace nuclear power and nuclear …
Election Mirage: Why Claims of Russian Meddling Should Be Questioned
Ironically, Moscow was not trying to hide its thinking on this issue, as numerous Soviet military officials laid out their nuclear war-fighting ethos in …