Fear is the threat of nuclear war. Rahul da Cunha Fear is good. Does it even have an opposite emotion? Calmness, courage, trust, curiosity …
Chop suey . . . and a side order of fatal virus
The disaster of a regional nuclear war would bring World Government one step closer. While the above scenario may sound idealistic in the face of …
Letter to the editor: Are we too socially distanced already?
Ever since the end of World War II we have lived with the daily threat of nuclear war and nuclear accidents, but there’s no doubt that after this deadly …
Time for reflection
Or Modi’s desire to start a nuclear war in South Asia? No one is really sure of how this epidemic will develop in the coming days and months. The …
Americans must demand competent and collaborative leadership
He describes how the threat of a global pandemic has supplanted nuclear war as the most likely mortal threat to large swaths of the world’s population.
Unity in the war on COVID-19
But while we have contingency plans for earthquakes, typhoons, floods, fires, and even nuclear wars, we had not anticipated this horrific epidemic.
This was the week that changed Britain and the British – maybe forever
Perhaps only nuclear war or alien invasion would simultaneously affect so many people so profoundly. As for the future, all we know is that cases and …
Balakot: a watershed moment
… that any Indian ‘misadventure’ would lead to a war, more so a nuclear one. … actions between a punitive strike on terrorism and nuclear warfare.
Stephen Kessler | Some ways to think about what’s happening
It’s enough to make one nostalgic for the anxieties of climate change, nuclear war, AIDS, terrorism, racism, incipient fascism—things you could almost …
Cruise Control
Or maybe you’re more romantic, and wanted a nuclear war. Personally, I would have preferred an alien invasion complete with ray guns, 1950s style …