It’s currently at 100 seconds to midnight, the heightened risk from a xenophobic merkin-wearing pumpkin actively raising the risk of nuclear war …
World War 3 panic: Russia reveals TERRIFYING new military weapon as global tensions rise
According to Russian News Agency, TASS, the first special-purpose nuclear submarine, the Belgorod, is expected to enter service with the Russian …
US and China sliding into dangerous Cold War
Cold Wars are dangerous. In the last one, the United States and the Soviet Union came close to nuclear war at least three times. -.
Coronavirus unites US & Russia yet nuclear arms divide them
The coronavirus pandemic has united the old cold-war rivals- US & Russia- as they have coordinated with each other in diverse ways. But the nuclear …
Meet Some of America’s Weirdest (But Deadly) Weapons
The Davy Crockett: just a touch of nuclear war. Once upon a time, when atomic energy was shiny (glowing) and new, the American military was trying …
Trump must be defeated!
Threats of war. Donald Trump has frequently threatened foreign countries with war, even nuclear war. For example,. regarding the conflict with North …
Murals Beautify a Boarded-Up San Francisco
… city was in a nuclear war, or something.” But after a restaurant on the same block as Bauerware was boarded, Knott felt like he didn’t have a choice.
CAL THOMAS: COVID-19 not the only threat from China
… culminating in a near nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. … Chi Hoation, China’s minister of defense in 1999: “War with the United …
Key lawmakers eye off-budget account for pandemic spending
“Other than nuclear war, there’s nothing else that can kill 10 million people around the world except a biological event, and we have to do everything in …
Critiquing the State Department’s Nuclear Posture Clarification
Nuclear attack (against most targets) means death and destruction, perhaps on a massive and indiscriminate scale. Thus, using nuclear weapons in …