… industry, and the international community to once again step up their efforts to prevent a catastrophic attack using stolen nuclear materials or an act …
Global Boom or Global Bust?
… on the world stage to cause problems by threatening nuclear war, or even the question of what to do about Iran and its current state of sanctions.
Why Haven’t We Solved This Yet? Militarism and The Environment
At the height of the Vietnam war, Ernie Regher authored a story for … Nuclear warfare for example, has shown to have detrimental psychological …
World entered nuclear age 75 years ago
… first-ever nuclear device, code-named “Trinity,” which ushered in the nuclear age, and soon abruptly ended World War II and was the culmination of …
Children’s Books: In a Time of War, Matters of Life and Death
… Harbor in December 1941 with those of Japanese civilians who perished (and survived) the American nuclear attack on Hiroshima in August 1945.
For presidents considering military force, Robert Gates has some questions
He argues persuasively that they were our most effective weapons during the Cold War, when military confrontation could have meant nuclear war …
Ex-Mossad chief: Israel cannot stop Iran from attaining nuclear weapons
… of the war were the trigger for the Iranians to make the strategic decision to go for the whole gamut of non-conventional weapons — not only nuclear.
Leading Australians call for plan to address “mounting dangers” to humanity
“The list is long and deadly: climate change, nuclear war, water and food shortages and of course pandemics,” he said in a statement. “We are calling …
Taming the madman
However, considering Modi’s erratic tendencies and flaming rhetoric had brought us to the brink of a nuclear war, points to the contrary. What, then do …
Nuclear secrets: the Dutch whistleblower who tried to stop Pakistan’s bomb
In 1971, Pakistan lost a war with India, and the new state of Bangladesh was carved out of Pakistani territory. Khan wept, write Frantz and Collins. A year …