Sirenheads can mimic nuclear war announcements, amber alerts, and the voices of people who are close to its victims. They lure people who are lost …
All Things CW: College Football Surpasses the Equivalent of DEFCON 3, and Who was Alabama’s …
Those who lived through the Cold War, or at least saw the movie War … he could authorize a nuclear attack while away from fixed command centers, …
Guns on the Sino-Soviet border
The Chinese fear that Russia might launch a nuclear war in order to overthrow the Maoists who have rejected Moscow as the theoretical guide to world …
How atomic bomb survivors have transformed our understanding of radiation’s impacts
The results would be useful not only during war, but also for peaceful uses of atomic energy. ABCC grew quickly. By 1951, it employed 143 allied and …
Avoiding another Hiroshima
Some officials are even embracing the folly that a nuclear war can be won. Late last year, as part of the Aspen Ministers Forum, I met in Vienna with …
Russia’s flash military exercise: Here’s how it REALLY works
This could start a nuclear war. Special training, or simulated, missiles are needed in this case. But the most important thing is that it’s practically …
Expert: If You Want North Korea to Give Up Nuclear Weapons, Start by Ending the Korean War
And that, hopefully, will lead to the elimination of nuclear weapons on the Korean Peninsula.” As Ahn points out, the Korean War never formally ended.
The evolving battlefield of South Asia
The Indian changes in its Land Warfare Doctrine, shift in nuclear doctrine from No-First Use to First-Use, increasing strategic coordination with the USA …
Pentagon: US Navy Has ‘Fielded’ Low-Yield Nuclear Weapon
One tactical advantage to a weapon of this kind, naturally intended to prevent nuclear war, is that it ensures a catastrophic, yet targeted nuclear …
More than 200 prominent Australians issue urgent call to act on climate
“The list is long and deadly: climate change, nuclear war, water and food shortages and of course pandemics,” Professor Hewson said. “We are calling …