The Iran policy part of a new draft of Democratic Party’s 2020 platform which calls for “a responsible end to forever wars” has received mixed reactions …
Doomsday Prophecy Claims World War 3 Is Coming And All The Signs Are Already In Place
“People today call this World War III, and it ends with a frightening nuclear exchange, which will devastate the world.” Biblical Doomsday Prophecy Says …
The Transparent Game of the British Empire Against Russia and China
… economy overtakes that of the United States—and if things go wrong, it could also be the year in which humanity wipes itself out in a nuclear war.
Threat to target nuclear power plant violates the nuclear taboo
– A Nuclear Plant can be considered a civilian object. An attack on civilian targets are illegal according to the Additional Protocol I of the Geneva …
Iran’s Nuclear Superposition
Tehran has stated more than once that it will reciprocate as soon as the United States resumes its obligations. It is simpler to stop an undeclared war, …
How Powerful Is the President?
… was to permit a president to exercise necessary control in the case of nuclear war, an increasingly remote possibility since the Cold War’s end.
Second Cold War With Russia Could Last 40 Years
A second Cold War between Russia and the West hasn’t stopped Russian … What the West is left with is the reality that there might be Cold Wars … period of confrontation to avoid it turning into a kinetic war, let alone a nuclear war.”.
Hibakusha memoir ‘The Atomic Bomb on My Back’ to be published in English
… came to be one of the most widely recognized reminders of the horrors of the nuclear attack. The boy, grimacing in pain, was Sumiteru Taniguchi.
In Defense of ‘WMD’: A War of Words and the Challenge of Swarms
Alternatives such as “chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapons” (often shortened to “CBRN weapons”) resolve some problems posed by …
Letter: A COVID war
When my generation was instructed to protect ourselves against nuclear attack, we hid underneath our school desks. Now we are advised to wear …