… while highlighting dangerous dimensions of the lingering Kashmir conflict have observed that the ever-present threat of a nuclear war between India …
Future Echoes; Is Covid-19 The Latest Cold War Ghost To Surface?
We were taught to recognise the symptoms of and mitigate the effects of a Biological attack. We knew how to respond in the event of a nuclear flash; …
Contemplating Human Extinction Terrifies Most People: A Strategy For Survival
… human extinction, that is, human extinction within five years: nuclear war, the climate catastrophe, the deployment of 5G and biodiversity collapse.
Nuclear Gulf: Experts sound the alarm over UAE nuclear reactors
Vulnerable to attack. Nuclear weapons are designed to kill. Nuclear power plants are designed to produce power for society at large. But talk to a …
This Is The War Room!: 10 Behind-The-Scenes Facts About Dr. Strangelove
When he was researching ahead of shooting Dr. Strangelove, Stanley Kubrick reportedly read 50 books about nuclear war to ensure that the movie …
COLUMN: Point-Counterpoint: Kim not the greatest evil in North Korea
A direct attack on the U.S. could be seen as the best tactic for a war-hungry, fanatical North Korean general. Whether a nuclear attack on America is a …
Castro to challenge party elders for committee chair amid reckoning on foreign policy
… Iraq War, opposed President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, and opposed numerous attempts to criticize Israel for its settlement expansion …
Fort Bragg’s 18th Airborne Corps Launches Atomic Age Twitter Novel This Week
“The Atomic Age: A Twitter Novel” tells about how the Army transformed from a World War II force to a technologically-adapt force designed for protecting the homeland against potential nuclear aggression between 1953 and 1961.
Why It Takes Both Koreas, America, and China for There to Be Peace in Korea
… there were expectations that progress in the U.S.-DPRK nuclear negotiations might lead to an end-of-war or peace declaration. However, the abrupt …
OPINION: Trump appears headed for defeat
… famous “Daisy spot” TV commercial, which implied that Goldwater would risk the lives of children by provoking nuclear war with the Soviet Union.