Toti was the former commander of the nuclear attack submarine USS … “The survivors of the sinking of the World War II cruiser USS Indianapolis …
The Night A Drone Swarm Descended On Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant
The mysterious case of mass drone incursions over America’s most powerful nuclear power plant that only resulted in more questions and no changes.
SEBASTIAN BACH: ‘I Miss Smarts’ In The White House
“I thought we got rid of that nuclear war conversation in the ’70s! It gets [me] very sad and angry at the same time. Climate change makes me angry. It …
Space Force on alert: Behind Russia’s mysterious testing of deadly anti-satellite weapons in orbit
Having weapons that can kill satellites that would direct precision attacks, find potential threats, and even wage a nuclear war are clearly a …
Foreseeing cyber vulnerabilities of nuclear facilities in South Asia
Recent attack on Iran; July 2, 2020 on its nuclear facility at Nantaz earlier this month, is considered as lethal as Stuxnet attacks and have raised serious …
3 Questions: Jonathan King on the future of nuclear weapons testing
During the Cold War, the world’s nations exploded hundreds of dangerous nuclear tests, releasing radioactivity into the atmosphere in order to develop …
The Risk of a Military Incident Between Venezuela and the US
Could this all escalate into actual, frontal war? … a fictional account of a possible nuclear war in the Korean Peninsula, begins with the accidental …
The quest for sea-based nuclear deterrence
Since the creation of India and Pakistan, both states are engaged in three major wars. These armed conflicts continue to hold forth the risk of war. There …
What The…: ‘Huckleberry Finn’ and the itch to erase references to racism
Among the many things the world doesn’t need right now, along with nuclear war, deadly pandemics, and collision with an asteroid, is a racist …
The real reason Iran hasn’t joined the nuclear club
Iraqi ballistic missiles were already falling on Iranian cities, and so at some point during that eight-year war, Iran restarted the Shah’s nuclear weapons …