… cost: endless wars, climate catastrophe, mass extinctions, and the terrifying risk of a final, apocalyptic mass-casualty war—most likely a nuclear war.
Nuclear imperialism in China’s Xinjiang
During the Cold War era, there did not exist a political or economic motivator for commercialising nuclear energy as coal-fired power stations and …
Sleepwalking Into World War III
The military’s priority of seeking ever more lethal and modern weapons increases the risks of nuclear use and proliferation. The 2018 Nuclear Posture …
Sufferings, Trials and Hope
Hinckley believed the attack would impress actress Jodie Foster, with whom he … Scientist Albert Einstein warns that nuclear war could lead to mutual …
Which fictional dystopia would be the worst to live in?
Which fictional dystopia would be the worst to live in? We’ve seen human-enslaving robots, body-snatching aliens and nuclear war. But one fate is the …
The Russians Have Spent 40 Years Preparing For Undersea Slaughter—The US Navy Built A …
Attack boats carrying the new Kalibr non-nuclear cruise missile “can operate from the relative safety of bastions in the Norwegian and Barents Seas and …
The Russians Have Spent 40 Years Preparing For Undersea Slaughter—The US Navy Built A …
Attack boats carrying the new Kalibr non-nuclear cruise missile “can … Hunting Russian submarines became “the Navy’s number one war-fighting …
The Rundown: October 19, 2020
… on the weak and vulnerable in a world ravaged by nuclear war. Viz Media have previously published the series as a monthly comic, while Gutsoon!
Peter Tosh’s Heroes Day birthday a ‘national mystic’ – Call for Steppin Razor to be made national …
His final LP, No Nuclear War, won a Grammy in 1987. A virtual Peter Tosh programme is being produced for today. There will be rare footage of past …
Working to End Human Violence in the Time of Covid-19
And, unfortunately, if one candidly considers the evidence in several critical domains – notably the threat of nuclear war, the deployment of 5G …