As the Syrian civil war passes its tenth anniversary, President Bashar … its nuclear weapons, served as a template for Syria’s Al-Kibar nuclear reactor …
Three crew members killed after ejector seat malfunction aboard Russian nuclear bomber
The plane was not believed to have been loaded with nuclear weapons at the time of the incident at the airfield, which is located some 200 miles …
North Korea’s Military Carries Out Unusual Activities Near Border
For decades, both the U.S. and China have opposed Pyongyang’s development of nuclear weapons, and North Korea’s tendency to raise tensions on …
Michael G. Roskin: Democracies in Decline
India is in nearly permanent tension with Pakistan (FH rated 37), which has caused four wars. India, Pakistan and China have nuclear weapons.
Interview: Geoff Johns & Gary Frank Talk Explosive New Series GEIGER
The series will follow a world obliterated by nuclear war and those who have survived the radioactive fallout. A legend known by some as Joe Glow …
Review: ‘The Courier’ delivers Cold War intrigue
… Cold War to smuggle classified documents from a Soviet officer hoping to avert a nuclear showdown with the West during the Cuban missile crisis.
Understanding Availability Bias When Investing
That’s because the Soviet Union and nuclear weapons dominated the news and popular culture. Everywhere you turned — movies, TV, music videos — …
Covid-19 has shown humanity how close we are to the edge
… putting humanity’s future at stake through nuclear war or climate breakdown … from AI, global pandemics, the climate crisis and nuclear annihilation.
Boris Johnson’s Toxic Domestic Posturing Over Nuclear Weapons
… cap by more than 40% to 260 warheads, making it the first Western nuclear-armed state to increase its stockpile since the end of the Cold War.
Defence Secretary Ben Wallace Refuses To Deny Reports That Troop Numbers Will Be Cut By …
… strategy revealed ministers were planning a major increase in the UK’s nuclear weapons stockpile and a greater reliance on hi-tech weaponry.