Set against the backdrop of the Cold War, the film employs an effective storytelling technique that accentuates the imminent threat of nuclear conflict …
A Stain on Jewish Values: Israel’s Misguided Obeisance to Donald Trump
[31] Presently such a confrontation could not involve a full-fledged nuclear war (because Iran is not yet nuclear). For the moment, therefore, it is not an …
Britain shouldn’t threaten non-nuclear states with war, says RICHARD MADELEY
Britain shouldn’t threaten non-nuclear states with war, says RICHARD MADELEY. MY TWO earliest memories are pretty unusual ones. They’re not …
Tense China-US talks heighten need for improved crisis management: Chinese adviser
… States and Soviet Union had during the Cold War, which had been based on capability to mutually destroy each other using nuclear weapons.
When Teesside Airport was used for spy gadgets and nuclear weapons
FROM a compass concealed in a tobacco pipe to relics of Middleton St George’s nuclear days, there are many fascinating historic items in the two …
H Jack Geiger: a doctor takes on poverty, racism, and nuclear war
PSR shared the Nobel peace prize with the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. In 1997, another group Geiger co-founded, …
Grandview Heights Moment in Time
During the Cold War period, fear of a nuclear attack by the Soviet Union was widespread. In 1951, the Federal Civil Defense Administration hired a …
Round up the usual suspects: The Quad awakens
Is “NATO in Asia” really getting ready for another decades-long cold war and/or a possible hot war? Every nuclear weapons power except Israel and …
Opinion: The Pentagon is using China as an excuse for huge new budgets
The United States has about 20 times the number of nuclear warheads as China. … that Washington is spending more on the military than it did at the height of the Vietnam War (even accounting for inflation) should threaten no one?
Cooking Teachers Needed for Summer Camp
Cooking Round the World is now hiring for a Cooking Teacher in San Leandro and surrounding cities. Pay is $25/hr. Hours are 8:30am-4:30pm.