There were some clear winners of the American war in Afghanistan: the U.S. weapons … Israel has been building nuclear weapons since the 1960s, …
Water Wars: ‘AUKUS Is Born’ – Lawfare Blog
“A nuclear submarine has enormous defence capabilities and therefore ramifications for the region. Only six countries in the world have nuclear submarines. They …
What could happen if China tried to invade Taiwan | The Week UK
China and Taiwan were divided during a civil war in the 1940s. … about using nuclear weapons to deter a Chinese invasion of Taiwan in the 1950s.
Is the world witnessing multiple cold wars? – WION
So, will the adversaries make peace or bring an end to the world by engaging in a nuclear war? Cold war is a very well-known phenomena. For years, the world …
US alliance with UK and Australia shows changed world order for Ireland – The Irish Times
The underlying threat behind the US deal to sell submarines to Australia is that, as some speculate, nuclear weapons might follow.
EU’s Borrell: JCPOA implementation means U.S. must fully implement the deal – Tehran Times
Iran has been pushing hard for an end to the war on Yemen since it … Since the United States is going to provide nuclear–weapons-grade nuclear fuel to …
Fractures in the NATO alliance – Opinion – Ahram Online
It is believed that this act may thwart nuclear non-proliferation efforts despite … acquiring nuclear-powered equipment and eventually nuclear weapons.
No, America’s Longest War Is Not Over – Modern Diplomacy
Will the QUAD become an “Asian NATO”? Are Rules of the Game Possible in the Era of Nuclear Weapons? And …
Governments relentlessly harass whistleblowers to frighten others into silence – Bangor Daily News
… and a lot of it needed to be revealed: war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan and … who confirmed the existence of Israel’s nuclear weapons in 1986, …
US plans 30-nation meeting to address growing cyber crime threat | IT PRO
Biden pointed to Rusian president Vladimir Putin, stating that Russia’s economy has nuclear weapons and oil wells “and nothing else”, which he said could …