Thirty Italian F-35A fighters can be deployed in Ghedi, ready to attack under U.S. command with 60 B61-12 nuclear bombs. It is possible that they will …
Putin aims beyond Ukraine. Checking him right now is crucial. – The Washington Post
… in Kyiv in the event of a Russian attack on Ukraine’s largest city. … but in their war games they practice using theater-range nuclear …
Why the West and Russia are at an impasse over Ukraine – TRT World
… state and did not individually pose a national security threat to the US, the missile crisis brought the world to the brink of a nuclear war.
Local View: Like King, stand strong against war, nuclear weapons
It cannot be disputed that a full-scale nuclear war would be utterly catastrophic.” In his lecture when accepting the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, Dr.
The P5 pledge to avoid nuclear war should be celebrated – Al Jazeera
“A nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought,” the leaders agreed in the statement, echoing a landmark declaration by Ronald Reagan and …
How Martin Luther King, Jr.’s multifaceted view on human rights still inspires today
The legendary civil rights activist pushed to ban nuclear weapons, end the Vietnam War, and lift people out of poverty through labor unions and …
It is time for Israel to come clean about its nuclear weapons | America Magazine
The nuclear nonproliferation treaty (NPT) was written for a Cold War standoff between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. It can only be effective now …
What if nuclear deterrence fails? – New Age
Trusting in nuclear deterrence is a risk of monumental humanitarian consequences that it … We can assume nuclear weapons prevented nuclear war.
Biden Urged to Eliminate Land-Based Nuclear Missiles as US Policy Is Revised – Truthout
Nonproliferation groups say hundreds of intercontinental ballistic missiles greatly increase the risk of nuclear war.
From Cyberspace to Security Strategy: RM’s Most Read of 2021 | Russia Matters
Preventing nuclear war 10. Russia’s Impact on US National Interests: Preventing Nuclear War and Proliferation. by Alexandra Bell.