The Biden Administration must seriously consider that a revived Iran Nuclear Deal could help strengthen the ties between Russia and Iran, …
Russia may use nuclear weapons after Ukraine setbacks, senior Nato and US officials warn
Russian president Vladimir Putin could deploy a nuclear strike against Ukraine after suffering humiliating defeats on the battlefield, …
Dorcha Lee: Could the war in Ukraine go nuclear? – Irish Examiner
Dorcha Lee: Could the war in Ukraine go nuclear? A Ukrainian soldier smiles from a military vehicle in the freed territory in the Kharkiv region on …
Russia threatens NATO countries with nuclear war – The Times Hub
Russia has begun threatening NATO countries with nuclear war … Western countries for a “hybrid war between NATO and the Russian Federation.”.
How war culture has propagated one of the darkest parts of society: substance abuse
During World War II, on the other hand, technologies such as nuclear weapons were rapidly developed for military use. We now experience the …
Survey: Ukrainians widely unwilling to cede territory – Asia Times
… not least Russia’s war planners – who had been moving troops. … population (44 million); or the certain prospect of a nuclear attack.
Violence hits ‘epidemic proportions’ in pandemic-era California, study shows
War and peace: Americans strongly against solo military U.S. … A nuclear war between world powers would trigger a ‘Little Ice Age’July 7, 2022.
Russia-Ukraine updates: Kyiv forces within 50km of border – Al Jazeera
As the war in Ukraine marks 200 days, the military has reclaimed swaths … Operations at the Russian-held Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant in Ukraine …
Ukraine Russia War Nuclear Plant Explainer | National News |
The last of the Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia plant’s six nuclear reactors was shut down Sunday, Sept. 11, 2022, because Russia’s war in Ukraine …
EXPLAINER: Ukraine’s nuclear power plant shutdown cuts risks | AP News
Here is a look at the risks, impact and what could be done if external power is lost again. Russia-Ukraine war · Ukraine pushes big counteroffensive …