In May 2018, Bollywood released Parmanu: The Story of Pokhran, which is based on India’s nuclear tests carried out 20 years earlier in May 1998.
Iran under the shadow of war as risks mount
Iran under the shadow of war as risks mount … The United States is not seeking war with Iran, US national security adviser John Bolton … US withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal and reimposition of unilateral American sanctions, …
USA vs Iran CRISIS: How WAR may be on cards as Trump deploys missile, warship and bombers
THE USA remains at bitter loggerheads with Iran over the controversial nuclear deal. Now, as the agreement lies in tatters following President Hassan …
AOC has paved the way for Joe Biden to run on nuclear power and win
The left-wing war on nuclear power began with former U.K. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who both acknowledged the imminent threat of pollution …
How Nazi Germany got a lot closer to building a nuclear weapon in WWII
A Nazi plan to build a nuclear bomb. … as Werner Heisenberg, the German nuclear weapon program was stymied by bureaucracy during World War II.
Instead of fossils, these archaeologists unearth Cold War underground structure
Instead of fossils, these archaeologists unearth Cold War underground … recording and appraisal of nuclear fall-out if any nuclear attack on Britain.
Years and Years, Russell T Davies’ look into the future, is both terrific and terrifying
Years and Years takes every warning about climate change, nuclear war, mass immigration, bigotry and digital colonialism, and simmers them down …
Chernobyl Fearlessly Revisits The Devastating Nuclear Disaster
On April 26 1986, the number-four reactor of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in … The dread is so overwhelming, it mirrors Cold War nuclear fears.
US envoy: Agreement at 2020 nuclear treaty review will be ‘incredibly difficult’
Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty members — every nation but India, … nuclear war, but climate catastrophes that threaten security for all of us,” she told …
US sends Patriot missiles, warship to Middle East to deter Iran
Iran has dismissed the moves as “psychological warfare” designed to intimidate … The US unilaterally backed out of a 2015 nuclear pact in May 2018, …