… restrained itself from any misadventure when he said that India may have to re-examine its policy that it would never go in for nuclear war on its own.
Indian threat and issue in Kashmir Security Council!
In my opinion, based on the future situation in Kashmir, Rajnath has not only threatened the nuclear war but also proved to be an irresponsible nuclear …
The Mind Is Mighty And Terrible In THE DEAD ZONE
For a movie about a heroic psychic who tries to assassinate a maniacal politician who wants to unleash nuclear war, The Dead Zone is a surprisingly …
An intervention that leads to more questions
However, consensus among the remaining members of the board clearly coalesced around an understanding of nuclear weapons not as war-fighting …
Pakistan Has Lots of Nuclear Weapons: Should the World Worry?
Pakistan currently has a nuclear “triad” of nuclear delivery systems based on land, … A nuclear power for decades, Pakistan is now attempting to construct a …. a robust nuclear capability that can not only deter but fight a nuclear war.
5 Things That Are Historically Accurate In Metal Gear Solid (& 5 Things That Aren’t)
The Cuban Missile Crisis was a chilling moment in US history and was the first time the threat of nuclear war became a horrifying possibility.
India vs. Pakistan: The 1 Thing That Could Spark a Nuclear War (Billions Dead)
Despite steps to increase people-to-people links between India and Pakistan, the Pakistan Army and intelligence service—which exercise a monopoly …
Plenty of sci-fi futures are now in the past
Thing we were happiest to learn: We’ve avoided a lot of nuclear wars. Various fictions on the list have predicted nuclear war for 1958, 1964, 1966, …
Night With A Nerd: Dr. Phil Goldstone On Thinking About Nuclear Deterrence In Today’s World
It’s now long beyond the confrontations of the cold war, and the world’s largest weapons stockpiles have been greatly reduced. Yet nuclear weapons …
Top 5 weekly trends
Indian actress Priyanka Chopra was accused of encouraging nuclear war between India and Pakistan, by a Pakistani woman during a public event in …