“The die-in will be symbolic of those people who have been killed in nuclear war and a sign of what would happen in the event of nuclear war.”.
Nuclear-disarmament service held on pavement while Abbey congregation gives thanks for …
Supporters of CND, Christian CND, Stop the War, and Pax Christi were all ranged on the pavement opposite, outside the Methodist Central Hall.
Russia launches the world’s longest nuclear submarine
The vessel is also one of few nuclear submarines Russia has launched since the heyday of the Northern Fleet. Once the terror of the Cold War seas, …
The Twilight Zone season 1 episode 6 recap: Six Degrees of Freedom
The latter, pretty easy, Orson Wells adapted and broadcast the H.G. Wells story The War of the Worlds about Martians invading earth. There were no …
Gavin Williamson tours top secret nuclear base hours before being sacked for leak from classified …
They were only to be opened if the country was in a war of such magnitude that launching Trident ballistic missiles, with its devastating consequences, …
Adolf Hitler’s SECRET nuclear weapon: How mystery uranium cubes reveal WW2 Nazi research
The Nazi uranium found its way to two University of Maryland researchers in the US in 2013, 68 years after World War Two ended. The perfectly …
‘Precipice’ Plays Atomic Chicken Over the Fate of Countries
Following this line of action is quite a risk, as you can lose diplomacy with more and more countries and end up at a nuclear war, ending the game.
The Terrible Magic of Nuclear Deterrence
More to the point: “Nuclear weapons have kept the peace for [what was then] over 40 years” with a simple yet powerful effect. “Wars are caused when …
Precipice puts a beastly spin on the Cold War today
While fighting proxy wars and dodging nuclear annihilation is a different breed of stress than piloting the universe’s worst spaceship, it still makes for a …
Kremlin Ready To Negotiate Nuclear Disarmament With Washington
Kremlin Ready To Negotiate Nuclear Disarmament With Washington … the two global superpowers that were moments away from a nuclear war.