The fear of nuclear war — along with a better appreciation of the importance of global leadership to US interests — compelled the US to take on global …
Vladimir Putin Says Russia Prepared to Drop Nuclear Arms Control START Treaty
The agreement, which caps the number of nuclear warheads well below Cold War limits, is set to expire in two years’ time. Together with another …
World War 3: Russia and China reiterate Iran SUPPORT as Tehran works on nuclear weapons
The two superpowers were meeting at the Kremlin as both sought to agree a coherent geopolitical strategy. As Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping showered …
A Seismologist Present at the Discovery of Plate Tectonics
He also went on to assess the risks that earthquakes pose to nuclear power plants, and to advance the use of seismology to detect nuclear-bomb tests …
Putin says Russia prepared to drop START nuclear warhead treaty
Putin says Russia prepared to drop START nuclear warhead treaty … of the post-Cold-War treaty signed with US President Barack Obama in 2010.
Will the Real Godzilla Please Stand Up?
Godzilla itself is a metaphor for the carnage brought by nuclear war. Fundamentally, “GOJIRA” is a bleak tale about what would be at stake if the world …
Germany ‘Prepared to Participate Militarily’ in Syria
Especially since the end of the Cold War, the risk of nuclear war has almost disappeared from … The Bible is also clear that nuclear war is coming.
A lesson from D-Day: The world is better when we work together
Even the war’s simplest lesson, that Nazis are bad, finds critics — a … by the United Nations and fear of nuclear war, one factor has proved critical: …
Human civilization may come to an end starting in 2050 due to climate change
… could prompt an ecological disaster that could include pandemics, extreme flooding, forced human migration, and even result in nuclear war.
US to label nuclear waste as less dangerous to quicken cleanup
US to label nuclear waste as less dangerous to quicken cleanup … waste left from nuclear weapons production dating to the second world war and the …