US will reclassify some nuclear waste as less dangerous to quicken … left from nuclear weapons production dating to World War II and the Cold War.
US can label nuke waste as less dangerous to quicken cleanup
The agency will maintain standards set by the independent Nuclear … left from nuclear weapons production dating to World War II and the Cold War.
Why You Need to Remember D-Day
Especially since the end of the Cold War, the risk of nuclear war has almost disappeared from most minds. But the number of nuclear weapons has …
The Time Is Right for Modi to Make Peace with Pakistan
Given the dangers of miscalculation between the two nuclear powers in the fog of war, India and Pakistan had for many years refrained from any …
This elderly protester is taking on Donald Trump at 88
He told ‘Trump is dangerous, he could start a nuclear war. … ‘I don’t think they appreciate he is capable of starting a nuclear war at any …
Author Ocean Vuong Talks Thunder Cake, Destructive Creativity, and the Myth of Timelessness
If you look around us, things that are “timeless” are dangerous and kill us: nuclear war, nuclear weapons, plastics. Timeless things destroy the earth.
Thanks to those who fought on D-Day, we have enjoyed 75 years of relative peace and prosperity
Lives were lost every day of the war – in the Soviet Union, one life every four seconds … Even the war’s simplest lesson, that Nazis are bad, finds critics, …. by the United Nations and fear of nuclear war, one factor has proved critical: …
Shift war footing to fight climate change, by Christine Brunner
The threats of impending climate change and the risk of nuclear war guarantee our extinction. So let’s simply convert the military industrial …
Iran SIX MONTHS from NUCLEAR WEAPONS: Major warning to Israel
Iran SIX MONTHS from NUCLEAR WEAPONS: Major warning to Israel … and Iran continue to escalate due to Tehran’s presence in war-torn Syria.
Climate change could pose ‘existential risk to civilization’ by 2050, report says
“After nuclear war, human induced global warming is the greatest threat to human life on the planet,” Barrie wrote. Spratt and Dunlop said that the …