OPINION: Trade war threatens peace dividend for stocks … came from the downfall of a military superpower and the reduced threat of nuclear war.
South Texas among options to scrap nuclear ship
South Texas among options to scrap nuclear ship … the Vietnam War and the Iraq War, among its numerous deployments across the globe. … The dismantling of the ship, which has defueled nuclear reactors, will also likely raise …
Manchin warns of largest Russian presence in Arctic since Cold War
Despite not seeing any evidence of the Kremlin conducting low-yield nuclear tests in the Arctic — as the Trump administration has suggested …
King Of The Monsters Changes What Godzilla Means (& That’s Why It’s Great)
The message of Godzilla isn’t that nuclear war is devastating power outside of man’s control; it’s that the already-begun destructiveness will escalate, …
India’s “Trump” Wins Big
I’ve been writing for decades about the threat of accidental or planned nuclear war with Pakistan over Kashmir. My first book, “War at the Top of the …
From ‘young blood’ transfusions to apocalypse insurance – weird ways tech billionaires are trying …
Dinner party conversations in Silicon Valley are dominated by talk of society crumbling amid nuclear war and what steps the billionaire elites are …
Nuclear modernization is essential for deterrence
We need to modernize (add those K-9s) to reduce our vulnerability to nuclear war to the greatest extent possible. Simultaneously, we must maximize …
Russia’s active measures strategy in Italy
Other Sputnik Italia narratives strive to stoke fears of a Europe-wide economic collapse, and to provoke anxiety about the risk of nuclear war that is …
British academic slams US over trade conflict with China
So, he believes, it is logical for the US to start with a trade war. … with the words, “The US must pursue a chance to avert nuclear war at all cost.”.
Our new favourite boxset: Summer Of Rockets
The title refers to the series of NASA Explorer rockets launched in 1958 as well as the ever-present threat of nuclear war that haunts Hannah in …