According to them, successfully attacking the pandemic, climate change and the economic crisis, and preventing Iran from having nuclear weapons, …
Regulating military AI will be difficult. Here’s a way forward
… helped the Soviet Union and the United States keep a nuclear war at bay. … away from participating in the UN lethal autonomous weapons debates.
Hezbollah’s precision missiles: A bigger threat than Iran’s nuclear program?
Syria is home to a developed weapons industry, which can be traced back to Russian expertise and years of preparing the Syrian army for war against …
I’m a Military Spouse. The Capitol Attack Reminded Me of a War Zone.
He’s served as an officer on a battleship and three nuclear and ballistic-missile armed submarines. He’s had to collect intelligence under the leadership …
What Business Can Learn about Gender Diversity from the US Department of Energy
Women have been instrumental within that history, considering that the agency’s defense work is rooted in the World War II nuclear weapons …
Inside Britain’s secret underground city built to survive nuclear war and house royals
Britain has a secret underground city built in case of nuclear war. The secret fortress was constructed in the 1950s to provide shelter for up to 4,000 …
Maine to start vaccinating people 60 and older
Younger people will be eligible in July and beyond. TOP STORIES Trump still standing, still the greatest threat to The Swamp · Nuclear war with China or …
How close, exactly, were Russia and China to nuclear war?
How close, exactly, were Russia and China to nuclear war? Society & Culture. On the morning of March 2, 1969, 30 or so Chinese soldiers stepped onto …
What history’s biggest wars teach us about leading in peace
Harvard professor, Deepak Malhotra shares how critical moments in the Peloponnesian War, both World Wars, and the Cuban Missile Crisis offer …
Williams leads Memphis over South Florida 73-52
Nuclear war with China or Russia ‘a very real possibility,’ U.S. Strategic Command chief warns · ‘Egregious federal overreach’: Republicans warn …