It took the devastation of two world wars, two nuclear bomb deployments, and the deaths and displacement of millions to get the first 51 countries to …
Celebrate Lights on Afterschool programs virtually
The end of this war sparked the Cold War; children were hiding under their desks hoping that it would be enough to save them from a nuclear attack, …
Candidates need to address the nuclear threat
For as long as nukes exist, we live with the danger of accidental launch, terrorist theft or a miscalculation leading to nuclear war. The United States …
Rediscovering Debates on Nuclear Strategy, for the 21st Century
Moreover, one could not assume that the unthinkability of war would therefore prevent its occurrence. During the 1970s, Wohlstetter looked for ways to …
Evolution of Indian Nuclear Doctrine: From NFU to Preemption
Such an Indian shift is further evidence of India’s focus towards nuclear war-fighting rather than maintaining deterrence. In the wake of the evolved …
AfterShock Announcement: The Scouts Take Over The Future In SCOUT’S HONOR #1
“Scout’s Honor is about a post-apocalyptic cult rising from the ashes of a nuclear war… and their bible is an old Boy Scout manual. Our series follows …
World War 3: Expert warns repercussions on UK, Europe over continued trade with Iran
As US President Donald Trump announced that he will reimpose strict sanctions on the Islamic nation, former special envoy for nuclear nonproliferation …
Post-Apocalyptic Comic ‘Scout’s Honor’ in the Works
At the heart of the series is a cult that has built itself in the aftermath of a nuclear war, with one artifact of the before-times as its guiding light: a Boy …
Colorado Is Ready for Blast-Off as Home of US Space Command
In 1942, as the United States entered the global war against Germany, … granite, designed to withstand a nuclear attack and the subsequent fallout.
Watch – Brexiter Tory MP asks if PM was ‘abducted by Dr Strangelove’ and reprogrammed ‘to the …
… a dark comedy from 1964 about fears of a nuclear war. During his speech Sir Desmind Swayne also said that Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance had …