… creating a lifestyle from the perceived inevitability of disaster—be it nuclear war, natural disaster or global pandemic. Inherent in this worldview is the …
Biting the Bullet
… Biden would be more death, destruction, poverty, discrimination, violence, erosion of constitutional values, and even the possibility of nuclear war.
Local View Column: ‘Wasteful war spending can be cut without harming national defense’
A worldwide pandemic, climate change, environmental destruction, the increasing risk of nuclear war, and global poverty and inequality cannot be …
‘Watchmen’ Showrunner Damon Lindelof Likens Donald Trump To Ozymandias
… with a genius-level intellect, who secretly launched a series of alien squid attacks in order to unite the nations of the world and avert a nuclear war.
Standing on the Precipice of Martial Law
… who fanatically believed that America could win a nuclear war with Russia. Kennedy’s valiant efforts to achieve dialogue with his Soviet counterparts …
British Town Uses Oregon’s ‘Exploding Whale’ Fiasco to Teach Physical Distancing
… hero Stanislav Petroc, who averted a nuclear war in 1983 when his patience revealed an American attack on the Soviet Union was a false alarm.
The eternal, fanciful allure of the South Pacific
… the apocalypse—whether caused by disease, nuclear war or the breakdown of society—have always seen it as the place to ride out the end of days.
The Day After — By John Reed
Ice age, nuclear war, earthquake, meteor strike, you name it, and they’ve found a scenario. They all follow the same basic script: a plucky few survive …
Is Russia Building a Secret ‘Hunter-Killer’ Nuclear Attack Submarine?
The majority of the boats were commissioned between the 1980s – almost all of its 16 nuclear-powered-attack subs were built for the Soviet Navy – and …
Researchers Calculated a Whale Shark’s Age Based on Cold War-Era Bomb Tests
Nuclear bomb tests caused a spike in a radioactive form of carbon that accumulated in living things. Whale shark. Researcher Mark Meekan swims with …