The ensuing tit for tat could take the region into a war. … Iran had been complying with the JCPOA nuclear deal, which sharply restricted its nuclear …
Hope for the future
A nuclear attack on our country,” I suggested. “I used to think that a super-charismatic, brilliant person could bridge the divisions – a JFK-type president …
The spread of nuclear technology in the post-Second World War period led to the creation of international institutional regulatory mechanisms.
India’s saffronisation and Hindutva: a threat to India’s secular posture
At the time of the Pulwama incident, both the states were at the brink of a nuclear war. These are the repercussions of being offensive. India has faced …
‘Diversion from failure’
Ilaiah said the biggest war on mankind is the virus war which must be fought … “Virus is the greatest danger to any nation than even nuclear war.
How Iran Could Wage a Cyber War Against America
How Iran Could Wage a Cyber War Against America … The Trump administration’s unilateral withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear Deal and subsequent …
Scrooge Lipastin column: the end of the world waiting for
Purely on my own during my life the world was supposed to end already acid to a lesser extent, nuclear war, the gulf stream coagulation, the ozone …
The Government Declares War on Market Prices Just When We Need Them Most
It is escalating its usual, conventional war on market prices to a nuclear war. It is punishing suppliers of essential goods for raising prices. It is ramping …
After Corona and Curfew: A soft landing, ‘herd immunity’ and an Easter memorial
Bill Gates in a TED Talk, has noted that while the world was focused on conventional weapons and nuclear war, “today the greatest risk of global …
How the human race succumbed: two dystopias by Capek
We have got used to the idea that nuclear war would finish us off, but, since the end of the Cold War, that possibility seems more remote. Pestilence in …