… planet Earth has finally become inhabitable, decades after a nuclear war poisoned all living things. What they found was not a recovering paradise, …
When This is Over the Trump Administration Should Be Indicted for Criminal Negligence by Kary …
… nuclear weapons, a position which should have caused him to concern himself with pandemics as same would follow in the event of nuclear war …
Peter Marina: The lesser of two evils is still evil
As pulverizing inequality breeds massive global discontent, and as nuclear war, new viral threats and environmental destruction threaten our …
27 October 1962: as almost started world war III
Nuclear weapons – medium-range missiles – was delivered to Cuba after Raul Castro, brother Fidel met with Nikita Khrushchev and convinced him that …
Pandemic Playlist: A virus may end the world, but you can spice up the Apocalypse with our …
And Vietnam was not war as we knew it in the conventional sense. The thing about Vietnam was that it wasn’t like World War II, and it wasn’t like … them from the Northern Hemisphere, following a nuclear war the previous year.
Global Famine Predicted in Even a Limited India-Pakistan Nuclear War Due to Soot and Firestorms
… gargantuan but perhaps more likely exchange between two longtime nuclear-armed enemies: India and Pakistan. It suggests that even a limited war …
Morale: Sustained By Symbols
When the Cold War ended, all navies shrank, even the U.S. fleet. … Meanwhile Russia has been building new nuclear attack (SSN) and ballistic …
Fade to Gray: The virus
I’m scared for all of us. Smart people have been saying for decades that it wouldn’t be a nuclear war that would cause such mayhem on this planet but …
How should a state broadcaster prepare for a major crisis?
From a bunker near Worcester, newsreader Peter Donaldson once recorded a script which would have been played in the event of a nuclear attack.
Johnston: A firsthand look at South Korea’s response to COVID-19
I guess living under the threat of nuclear war for 60-some-odd years will do that. Good luck, Lubbock! God bless! And remember, “Gangnam Style” is …