“When I was a kid, the disaster we worried about most was a nuclear war,” he began. But that was no longer the case, he said. Gates stated that the …
As coronavirus concerns mount, did we cover the last high school sports event of the spring?
Crawl into bunkers that were constructed during the 1950s panic of the fear of nuclear war? Are they to go to a park, a mall, a movie? Are those not all …
Amid Coronavirus Chaos, US and Iran Edge Closer to War
… the 2015 Iran nuclear deal shows no sign of abating. The possibility of war in the midst of a global public health crisis is, to put it mildly, outrageous.
This Isn’t the Garden of Eden
The Cuban Missile Crisis in 1961 brought us to the brink of nuclear war. As a kindergartener, I remember the drills in our public school. A warning …
Musings on freedom
… movements as never before, but not without the threat of nuclear war raising its ugly head in the form of yet another final solution like the atom bomb.
Russia Is Ready for a Nuclear, Chemical or Biological Weapons-Based War
The threat of chemical and nuclear warfare loomed large over most militaries during the Cold War. The development of new nerve agents during the …
Fast plot, edgy characters makes ‘Room for Tomorrow’ go down easier | Book Review
A world so destroyed by environmental degradation, climate change, shortage of resources, and nuclear war that a few characters from the future time …
In support of sweaters and toilet paper
By 1949, the Soviets had built and tested the atomic bomb. … The late 50s and early 60s would bring us as close to nuclear war as the world would …
F-15E Strike Eagle Spotted Flying With An Inert B61-12 Nuclear Bomb Out Of Nellis AFB
The precision-guided upgrade of the B61 tactical nuclear bomb has had a troubled and very expensive past. By Tyler RogowayMarch 14, 2020. The War …
Has coronavirus killed Thatcherism? And will someone tell Donald Trump?
… events, but the closest parallel I can image just now, given the prediction by experts of the huge number of expected deaths, would be nuclear war.