We began an entire war in the Middle East in order to stop Iraq’s rumored nuclear program. Now, we face prospects of nuclear proliferation in Iran, North …
Searching for Candor in a Dreary, Uncertain and Dishonest Time
You’re reading this week’s At War newsletter. … living symbol of the horrors of nuclear war, the Tokyo firebombing is generally regarded as a footnote.
We will weather this latest crisis – Just Keep Calm and Carry On!
… there was Greenham Common and the threat of imminent nuclear war. … the air attack warning, you and your family must take cover immediately’?
Candidates ignore nuclear threat
… on nuclear weapons than any other time in history, except twice in the Cold War. This means more than $400 billion in nuclear weapons spending.
Calm advice is essential
For those of us who lived through the genuine fear of nuclear war in 1962, historical perspective, rational analysis and calm advice is now essential.
Why I’m not ashamed of aiming for 12 hours of sleep a night
… but most of us are so enamoured with dozing off it’s unlikely you’ll ever catch us threatening to start a nuclear war. Better to pull the covers over your …
Memories of past can help you get through today’s anxieties
Cataclysmic events, whether nuclear war, a natural disaster or terrorist attack, have always been my particular bugaboo. I don’t fret about driving in a …
Review: Nuclear War/Buried/Graceland, at Old Red Lion Theatre
THIS dark triptych uses common themes of sex and grief. Buried is by David Spencer, whose father, Max, was buried alive in the Second World War, …
Digital Strangelove: The Cyber Dangers of Nuclear Weapons
For example, the U.S. had a covert program of electronic warfare options targeting Soviet NC3 in the Cold War. These options might have helped to limit …
Where the Federal Government Might Physically Go If It Can’t Keep Operating in DC Under …
They were built in the ’50s, when bureaucratic prepping efforts began in earnest amid the threat of nuclear war, shelved during the ’90s as our icy …