… change fears, the threat of nuclear war with North Korea, #MeToo, talk of a new Cold War with Russia, royal breakdown, and so on and so on.
The New Mutuality
The climate crisis and the threats of nuclear war and bioterrorism are … and combinations of the two (add terrorism and warfare in many regions).
Campaigners in Keighley for nuclear ban
“Sharing too the hope that the UK will be persuaded to support the treaty, so that the existential threat to us all of nuclear war will be universally …
Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Security Market by Technology – Global …
… protective measures taken in situations in which chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear warfare (including terrorism) hazards may be present.
The Man Who Won’t Let the World Forget the Firebombing of Tokyo
But while the Japanese public — and the world — rightly remember Hiroshima as a living symbol of the horrors of nuclear war, the Tokyo firebombing …
Coronavirus in the Time of Tweeters
… the United States and Soviet Union on the verge of nuclear war. Many countries at the time felt that they would not have been affected by the conflict.
Brother of soldier killed in Cold War nuke tests accuses MoD of ‘cover-up’ over death
EXCLUSIVE: Derek Redman, 27, ‘died of a sudden onset of diabetes’ during Cold War nuclear bomb tests – but his brother says he didn’t have the …
The Virus of Nuclear Proliferation
The writer serves on the Board of ‘World Beyond War‘, and represents the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation at the United Nations. NEW YORK (IDN) …
LILEKS: The most precious glop in the world right now
… neighbors in that ‘Twilight Zone’ episode where one guy has a bomb shelter and everyone thinks there’s going to be a nuclear war.” She understood …
Coexistence or war in the Indo-Pacific
A plausible security future for the region is ‘a state of permanent coercion’, where the shadow of nuclear war doesn’t discourage conflict but …