… in defense, counter-attack, or preventive war. In today’s world, though, civilization’s most potent enemies threaten all states. Pandemics, nuclear war …
Coronavirus Fearmongering Demonstrates US Imperialism is a Drag on Humanity
This is the same ideology that not only allowed the ruling class to threaten nuclear war on the Soviet Union , China, and Korea after using nuclear …
“New” Realities of Twenty-First Century Asymmetric Conflict
In addition to the conventional “shooting war,” there may be combinations of as … As a result, “war” is changing, There, however, is nothing really new. … like the results of a major nuclear attack—except that people will not be dead.
‘Calling off Olympic Games now would be foolish if world pulls through in 2 months’
… of a nuclear war,” Payne told The Indian Express over phone from Costa Brava, where he is in quarantine amid a growing number of cases in Spain.
ATLAS-I: The Cold War Era EMP Test Facility
Electromagnet pulses, or EMPs, are intense bursts of electromagnetic energy often resultant of an aerial nuclear explosion. Militaries of the past and …
Nordstrom Just Took 25% Off a Gigantic Array of Menswear
So DEFCON 1 is actually for situations the most severe, like a nuclear war or a really good online sale.) Head over to Nordstrom’s site to shop a …
ANALYSIS: States of emergency across Canada, what’s been done before, and what can be done …
… recent research that most provincial emergency laws across Canada were drafted in the 50s, amid threats of nuclear war and in the shadow of WWII.
Apocalypse Now: Here’s how Americans think it will all end
… apocalypse. An equal number (19%) pointed to climate change, while slightly fewer (17%) said the cause of the apocalypse would be a nuclear war.
Study finds global effects from regional nuclear war
A new study argues that a nuclear war between India and Pakistan would cause global cooling and planet-wide food shortages. Why it matters: …
The Real-Life Mad Soviet Science That Inspired the Atomic Heart FPS
The psychic warfare experiments, top-secret cities, and Soviet science fiction inspiring Mundfish’s upcoming video game, Atomic Heart. by Coleman …