And Trump is old enough to remember the Vietnam War. … the region attack with a series of cruise missile strikes from U.S. nuclear attack submarines …
The government just invested £100m in ‘killer robots’ carrying bombs used in Yemen
In Yemen’s brutal war, US drone strikes alone have killed 1,020 to 1,384 … called Herman Kahn, also “suggested that nuclear war was winnable”.
Rasheed don’t see war with India on Kashmir
He, however, said he didn’t see the two nuclear-armed countries going to war in the foreseeable future. Rasheed made it clear that the Pakistan Army …
Any War on Iran Would Destroy Trump’s Chances for Re-Election, Says US Activist
“War against Iran would destroy his chances for re-election in my opinion; most of the public are … Iran has signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty.
World sleepwalking into total nuclear war as callous elites fear no bloodshed – Russian scholar
World sleepwalking into total nuclear war as callous elites fear no bloodshed – Russian scholar Limiting nuclear arsenals doesn’t make the world …
Don’t Forget France Has Quite A Few Nuclear Weapons
France was the fourth country to join the so-called “Nuclear Club,” and at the height of the Cold War maintained its own nuclear triad of land-based …
Russia and America Wanted ‘Nuclear Reactors’ with Wings
In the early days of the Cold War before ICBMs and nuclear-powered submarines, American and Soviet nuclear preparedness was extremely high.
What’s behind Trump’s statements about avoiding war with Iran?
Trump does not seem to understand that negotiating with foreign leaders is not a business transaction but involves intangible things such as national …
India urges world to prevent Imran Khan from inflicting Pakistan on Kashmir
In an earlier Op-Ed in NYT, Khan had raised the spectre of a nuclear war between the two nuclear-armed South Asian neighbours if differences …
The Danger of Making Foreign Policy on the Fly
He was referring to Barbara Tuchman’s iconic book on World War I, The … the. scrapping of the Iran nuclear deal and ramping up of harsh sanctions.