Pompeo and Bolton are hoping that one of two false pretexts will push Trump to war on Iran. First the bogus intel report from Israel that Iran was poised …
Space Force is a necessity — we are at war every day in space
Today, the potential of a space attack is as dangerous to us as a nation as the threat of a nuclear attack was in the 20th century. And we have no part …
Inventing the kitchen of tomorrow
Their exchange didn’t touch on the issues that really concerned citizens of the day—namely, the specter of nuclear war—but it did touch a nerve where …
Iran stops key provisions of nuclear deal, blames US for ending agreement
By Dpa Correspondents. Iran will stop implementing some key provisions of its nuclear deal with major powers, President Hassan Rowhani …
Iran Urges Diplomacy as Trump White House Ramps Up ‘Wildly Reckless’ Threats of War
“The path we have chosen today is not the path of war, it is the path of … Since Trump withdrew the U.S. from the Iran nuclear accord last year, the …
US official: We do not seek war with Iran
The US does not seek war with Iran but we will continue putting maximum … Hook said Iran’s reduction of some commitments under its 2015 nuclear …
The new Twilight Zone revival can’t find any consistency in its stories
In a tragic twist, she freezes it just as the Cold War erupts into a nuclear war. Bombs are falling from the sky. If she restarts time, she and her family will …
Isn’t There A Little Prepper In All Of Us?
Talk of nuclear war, climate apocalypse, pandemic, economic instability, and the decline of democracy has led a greater swath of people to think more …
Pentagon suspends war remains effort with North Korea
That meeting focused on the North’s nuclear weapons and followed a June 2018 summit at which Kim committed to permitting a resumption of U.S. …
Iran nuclear-deal crisis: Is war with the US ahead?
If Iran were to do that, a war in the Gulf could well be unavoidable. … keeping more enriched uranium and other nuclear components than allowed for.