“Hypersonics are going to have to be part of the nuclear deterrent of the future. … Possible missions include preemptively disabling rogue states’ nuclear … a “launch under attack” scenario like those considered during the Cold War.
Trump’s Iran Policy Is Becoming Dangerous
The United States, he continued, “is not seeking war with the Iranian … U.S. President Donald Trump withdrew from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal and …
World War Three: How to survive in a nuclear attack amid ‘troubling’ US and Iran relations
World War Three is an ever-present threat, yet increasingly fraught relations between the US and Iran this week have sent worries soaring. The threat …
The growing, dangerous US-Iran standoff, explained
The United States seriously fears an imminent attack on its troops by Iran or its proxies. Iran signaled it may restart parts of its nuclear program in direct …
Trump and Bolton Are Putting War With Iran on a Hair Trigger
Trump and Bolton Are Putting War With Iran on a Hair Trigger …. “The nuclear deal has not produced any positive outcome,” says Zarif. “So we will …
New online strategy game advances the science of nuclear security
Military leaders and policymakers often explore these questions through “war games” — seminar-style discussions or tabletop exercises that explore …
‘The Twilight Zone’: ‘Six Degrees of Freedom’ and human salvation
Just as the ship is about to take off, nuclear war breaks out on earth. The crew make the tough decision to liftoff as opposed to staying on earth where …
Making Sense of the $1.25 Trillion National Security State Budget
Our final annual tally for war, preparations for war, and the impact of war … 200 nuclear bombers at $564 million a pop, and the F-35 combat aircraft, …
Watch the Video: Would Joe Biden Launch a War Against North Korea?
“[I]f we [the United States] have evidence that they [North Korea] are building a missile system, an offensive system, with a nuclear capacity and they …
Trump Deserves More Credit for His Foreign Policies
… progressively expanded its nuclear weapon and ballistic missile capabilities or attack its nuclear and missile sites, which could lead to a nuclear war …