Iran Reminds Of US Lies Before Iraq War, Hints US Official Behind … Trump also called on Iran to sit down and re-negotiate the 2015 nuclear deal, …
Iran conflict intensifies transatlantic tensions
They view Trump’s threats of war against Iran as an attack on their imperialist … The danger of a third, nuclear world war can be stopped only by an …
With B-52s, carrier battle group in place, US war against Iran on a hair trigger
With B-52s, carrier battle group in place, US war against Iran on a hair …. bringing humanity face-to-face with the threat of a nuclear Third World War.
Armageddon time: how Stanley Kubrick made us laugh at the annihilation of the human race
Kubrick was, according to his daughter, Katharina Kubrick, “terrified” by the potential for nuclear war, but careful not to convey his anxiety to his family.
India election: Poll staff brave crocodile and trek jungles to deliver one man one vote
He threatened nuclear war with Pakistan and made a savage personal attack on the assassinated former premier Rajiv Gandhi, the father of his …
Russell Tovey interview: I know that I’ll find love again
As the four-minute warning of a nuclear attack sounds, look out for Tovey stripping off with his lover. He looks good, a far cry from when, aged 18, …
Sanctions, threats, deadlines: How the Iran nuclear deal is faring
The optics would seem to suggest that, exactly one year after the U.S. withdrew unilaterally from the Iran nuclear deal, a new war in the Middle East …
From the A bomb to the AI bomb, nuclear weapons’ problematic evolution
From autonomous nuclear submarines to algorithms detecting a threat, … Thus, the Cold War nearly became an apocalypse because of a computer …
RED JOAN – Review
… ideas about patriotism, in a world that seems on the verge of nuclear war. … As the older Joan points out in the film, in those pre-World War II days, …
Trump’s worst legacy may be a nuclear World War III
Many of the early nuclear scientists, including Albert Einstein, realized the dangers of nuclear war and became ardent supporters of a peace …