In a tragic twist, she freezes it just as the Cold War erupts into a nuclear war. Bombs are falling from the sky. If she restarts time, she and her family will …
Isn’t There A Little Prepper In All Of Us?
Talk of nuclear war, climate apocalypse, pandemic, economic instability, and the decline of democracy has led a greater swath of people to think more …
Pentagon suspends war remains effort with North Korea
That meeting focused on the North’s nuclear weapons and followed a June 2018 summit at which Kim committed to permitting a resumption of U.S. …
Iran nuclear-deal crisis: Is war with the US ahead?
If Iran were to do that, a war in the Gulf could well be unavoidable. … keeping more enriched uranium and other nuclear components than allowed for.
Targeting terrorist leaders in Gaza
The writer (Ph.D, Princeton, 1971) is emeritus professor of Political Science and International Law at Purdue University. He is the author of many …
At NN shipyard, business about to boom on boomers
… because ballistic missile subs are considered the most survivable in the event of nuclear war, less vulnerable than bombers or land-based missiles.
Hypersonic Weapons: Strategic Asset or Tactical Tool?
“Hypersonics are going to have to be part of the nuclear deterrent of the future. … Possible missions include preemptively disabling rogue states’ nuclear … a “launch under attack” scenario like those considered during the Cold War.
Trump’s Iran Policy Is Becoming Dangerous
The United States, he continued, “is not seeking war with the Iranian … U.S. President Donald Trump withdrew from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal and …
World War Three: How to survive in a nuclear attack amid ‘troubling’ US and Iran relations
World War Three is an ever-present threat, yet increasingly fraught relations between the US and Iran this week have sent worries soaring. The threat …
The growing, dangerous US-Iran standoff, explained
The United States seriously fears an imminent attack on its troops by Iran or its proxies. Iran signaled it may restart parts of its nuclear program in direct …